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This month the team launched our Level 1 Coaching for Performance public workshop in Bucharest and in Bogota. The two-day training in Romania was run in association with our friends at the Centre for Effective Coaching, with our Director of Coaching and Leadership, Tiffany Gaskell, opening the session via video link. For me, it was an exciting chance to return to my home country and share our vision for how companies can become great by enabling their employees to excel and add substance and meaning to their lives by fostering a truly supportive, energized working environment.
It was an amazing experience to witness the participants’ transformation during those two days – learning about their expectations at beginning of the programme, observing their desire and focus, and hearing their feedback at the end. They were unanimous in sharing that they already felt empowered by having learned new skills that can be used successfully in both their work and personal life, regardless of time or space limits. And each was committed to using and developing these skills especially as part their management.
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In Colombia, the workshop was the latest in our global partnership with the British Council, where we are delivering more overseas programmes than ever before, and reaching tens of thousands more people through in-house programmes. Under this partnership, we are delivering programmes in Beijing, Warsaw, London and Vienna, and will run programmes in Berlin, Paris, Tel Aviv and Singapore later this year. And the feedback has been excellent, with 100% of participants saying they were “100% committed to using coaching in their leadership skills”, and 100% of participants saying they would recommend the programme.
- See our Global Training Diary for details of our public programmes around the world.
Our Romanian participants really valued their experience in the workshop; here is some of their feedback:
- “Coaching is the key to improving staff performance.”
- “One of the best time investments.”
- “Inspirational and valuable for those who manage people.”
- “The trainer was fantastic!”
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How can you bring coaching into your organization?
Sir John and his colleagues at Performance Consultants were the first to take coaching into the workplace and coined the term “performance coaching” in the early 1980s. We continue to lead the field in performance improvement through coaching leadership training.
Select one of the options shown. Or get in touch and one of our world-class leadership development consultants will work with you to create a tailored programme that meets your specific needs.
- Attend a Coaching Course – experience the benefits of coaching first hand. See our Global Training Calendar to find the right course for you
- Transformational Leader Pathway – learn how to be a leader–coach with a coaching leadership style that creates a culture of high performance for you, your team and entire organization
- Performance Coach Certification – become a coach or take your coaching skills to the next level so that you can practise transformational leadership coaching
- Individual Coaching (1:1) – take your leadership to the next level with a tailored, fast-track professional development coaching programme
- Team Development – unlock the next level of potential in your team with team coaching