Begin your remarkable journey in performance coaching with our new website
– 5 mins read –
We are delighted to share our new website with you. In creating we set ourselves the task of guiding people through the cutting-edge world of performance coaching so that the extraordinary outcomes of this work could be more widely understood and experienced.
Where our journey started
This is a journey that started with our founder Sir John Whitmore. As the industry pioneers, we are proud to continue that journey in our work and in our hearts. Performance Consultants continues to lead the coaching industry with new innovations, products and services that represent the most comprehensive coaching services offering on the market.
We call this “The World of Performance Coaching” in direct reference to the term Sir John originally coined to describe his work – “performance coaching”. It was the first time the term was used outside of sports coaching and it is from this that all other types of coaching are derived such as life coaching, wellness coaching and career coaching.
New launches
Here in 2021 we are truly standing on the shoulders of a giant and, to mark the fourth anniversary of Sir John’s death, we are delighted to be launching several new pathways and products that we believe will take coaching boldly into the next decade:
Coaching for Performance pathways
- Join one of our global programmes which are virtual and available in all time zones so you can work with the best wherever you are in the world. Attend a workshop yourself or bring the programmes into your organization – you have full flexibility
- The Transformational Leader pathway offers a new globally recognized Bronze, Silver and Gold certification to leaders
- A new “Double Crown” Performance Coach certification pathway which will set participants up to be world-class executive coaches and which includes all that is needed to coach inside organizations with the unique Performance Coach Toolkit
- With our new Consulting services, we partner with our clients to enable collaboration, empowerment and innovation to flourish across your organization or team.
Impact 360 certification for coaches
- Used the world over with our clients, we are now offering certification in Impact 360 – the tool that measures where leaders are in relation to The Performance Curve.
Register for our free Coaching for Performance webinar
to find out more about a coaching leadership style
Tailored to you and your organization
With this new website, our intention is to put you and your journey at the centre – making it as easy as possible for leaders, coaches and organizations to find a transformational path for themselves.
Like many of you around the world during this pandemic, we have taken stock of what we are doing and indeed why we are doing it. This has been revelatory – four decades ago Sir John identified business as a potential force for good and a driver of human evolution. The experience of the last year has crystalized what we always knew – that coaching has the ability to unlock the potential within each of us while reconnecting us with our purpose.
In 2021, more than ever before, people in organizations expect their leaders to move with the moment and make the changes demanded of organizations. They are looking for an enlightened leadership that is sustainable and ethical, as well as being profitable. Enlightened leadership that offers them meaning and purpose, enabling them to thrive in a virtual world. Coaching – either via formal executive coaching or informally through leaders adopting a coaching style, is critical to achieving this and realizing the full potential of organizations for transformative change
Looking at the world today through the eyes of our global clients, we see optimism around growth and ambitions to “build back better”, as leaders and teams plan for continued unpredictability. Surviving and even flourishing in response to the crisis has required adaptability and resilience but even more will be needed from leaders in the months to come. Returning to what we had in 2019 is not an option. The Pandemic has accelerated the arrival of a new, but long-heralded era where the triple bottom line impact of People, Profit and Planet supersedes traditional performance as the measure of success.
Enlightened leadership
At Performance Consultants our vision is a world flourishing through enlightened leadership. Enlightened leaders have a key role to play in building back better, which is vital to our global recovery and to creating a world we can be proud to pass on to future generations.
We call this “Beyond Performance” and it reflects the new style of leadership necessary to harness the opportunities for change presented by Covid-19, described at the World Economic Forum as:
A chance to truly align markets with the natural, social and economic systems on which they depend. It is about building real resilience, driving equitable and sustainable growth, and reinventing capitalism itself.
Since the founding of our company in 1982 by the pioneer of coaching, Sir John Whitmore, the global coaching industry has grown exponentially and is now estimated to be worth a staggering $7 billion. Sir John left an extraordinary legacy behind and it is especially poignant for us that we are launching the next iteration of Performance Consultants on the anniversary of his passing.
Related reading
“Workplace Coaching Isn’t Just for Bosses Anymore”, Bloomberg Businessweek
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How can you bring a coaching leadership style into your organization?
Sir John and his colleagues at Performance Consultants were the first to take coaching into the workplace and coined the term “performance coaching” in the early 1980s. We continue to lead the field in performance improvement through coaching leadership training.
Select one of the options shown. Or get in touch and one of our world-class leadership development consultants will work with you to create a tailored programme that meets your specific needs.
- Attend a Coaching Course – experience the benefits of coaching first hand. See our Global Training Calendar to find the right course for you
- Transformational Leader Pathway – learn how to be a leader–coach with a coaching leadership style that creates a culture of high performance for you, your team and entire organization
- Performance Coach Certification – become a coach or take your coaching skills to the next level so that you can practise transformational leadership coaching
- Individual Coaching (1:1) – take your leadership to the next level with a tailored, fast-track professional development coaching programme
- Team Development – unlock the next level of potential in your team with team coaching